mouette rieuse
mouette rieuse

An exceptional heritage salt marshes

The Guérande peninsula is a land of intense character where nature and mankind work together to preserve its richness and history. The dynamic town of Guérande has lived to the rhythm of the marshes for generations of enthusiasts.

The Guérande salt marshes: a unique, protected natural site

The 2,000 hectares of marshes in the Guérande and Mès basins form a unique natural site, recognized as a remarkable heritage.

A veritable refuge, the salt marshes are home to a wide variety of birds  and plants to be discovered during a visit imbued with authenticity.

A natural sanctuary born of human activity, cultivated to the  rhythm of the water... Whose preservation is essential.

Barges à queue noire

The marshes of Guérande over the years



In 1979, the Guérande salt marshes were recognized as an Important Bird Area(IBA) under the European Birds Directive.



In 1991, they were listed as Zone Naturelle d'Intérêt Ecologique, Floristique et Faunistique (ZNIEFF) by the French government.



In 1992, they were awarded the Label Paysage for the beauty of the salt marshes.



In 1995, they were included on the list of wetlands of international importance according to the RAMSAR Convention.

Natura 2000


In 2009, the Guérande marshes site became part of the European Natura 2000 network.


Visit the salt marshes and the Guérande peninsula

The Guérande salt marshes and peninsula invite you to discover them, immersed in a raw, authentic and preserved landscape. Discover the world of Guérande salt, from its birth to its formation, via the fascinating profession of paludier. These private lands are visited alongside professionals who know their every secret.

Find out more about visits

The birth of salt: true craftsmanship

Le Guérandais Guérande Salt is born of the alchemy between salt marshes, sun and wind. For centuries, salt workers have relied on manual, ancestral harvesting techniques to gather salt from the œillets.

Explore the history of salt
Chevalier Gambette
Chevalier Gambette

Fauna and flora salt marshes

If Guérande's salt marshes abound in a Fauna and Flora as rich as they are exceptional, it's thanks to the collective spirit of the Guérandais and Guérande's salt workers watch over their preservation.

Discover the flora and fauna

All the news of the Le Guérandais cooperative

To find out more about the extraordinary heritage of the salt marshes, its events and the strength of the Le Guérandais cooperative, take a look at our dedicated articles!

Read our news