Sophie BONNET QUESTIAU Marsh worker since 2005
Enthralling, ingenious, physical
When did you start as a salt marsh worker?
Sophie: Ten years ago.
Where are your salt marshes located?
Sophie: In the Mès basin, a small and intimate marsh hidden away in the countryside.
Why did you go into the salt worker trade?
Sophie: It did not come to me immediately like for others, it was the fruit of structured and methodical thinking to find which field I would be best suited for: by identifying which criteria were important to me - such as working with nature whilst being autonomous, and working locally (I only used to get back to the peninsula at the weekend) - this trade seemed to be the most appropriate solution that best met my needs.
How would you describe your trade in 3 words?
Sophie: Enthralling, ingenious, physical.
What do you like most about this trade?
Sophie: The strategic game of trying to match up all the natural elements (water, weather, clay, etc.) and observing them on a daily basis to get the results we want: for the salt to crystallise whilst respecting what nature has to offer us.
In your opinion, what are the advantages to being a member of a cooperative?
Sophie: The pooling of storage and sales tools: we are stronger as a team than we are alone!!
What do you prefer harvesting, coarse salt or "fleur de sel"?
Sophie: Coarse salt for its more physical requirements and how I feel after harvesting it.
How would you describe coarse salt?
Sophie: The marshes' white gold.
What is your favourite recipe using Guérande salt?
Sophie: I like very simple things, enhanced by the sparkle of some "fleur de sel": grilled lamb chops with some melt-in-your-mouth "fleur de sel" as soon as it has finished cooking.